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Coronavirus is still here!

We know the world is all excited about the eased lockdown! Yes, who wouldn’t be after being denied such liberty for months? However, please let us observe safety protocols and only venture into journeys that are necessary. As the weeks go by, more people are getting infected. This is not the time to host people […]


Tuesday, June 30th was #WorldParliamentDay. A transparent and accountable legislature will strengthen our democracy and bridge the gap between legislators and citizens. As active citizens, it is our responsibility to demand an open & transparent National Assembly and State Houses of Assembly. Do you know who represents you? If not, find out on!


Ghen ghen! 14 governorship candidates jostle for the highest political seat in Edo State. Vote for the candidate with these 5Cs – Competence, Character, Capacity, Compassion, and Courage. Citizens be wise! Shine your eye!!! #RSVP