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These Deaths are not Just Numbers!

Dear Active Citizen, Friday, May 28th, marked the 4th National Day of Mourning and Remembrance for victims of violent killings in Nigeria. At least 1,603 citizens were violently killed and over 1,774 abductions in Q1 2021. These numbers are startling as we are not at war! We will not be quiet because every Nigerian life must count irrespective of […]

Weekly Updates on the #EndSARS Judicial Panels of Inquiry – No. 19

22nd – 28th March 2021 The Judicial Panels of Inquiry set up across Nigeria to investigate the excesses of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies have continued sittings in the FCT and these 11 states in the week under review: Abia, Anambra, Bayelsa, Benue, Ekiti, Enugu, Imo, Kaduna, Lagos, Osun, and Oyo. On […]


In February, 2021 and again earlier in this month of May, over 127 Civil Society Organizations joined in calling attention to the atrocity violence, lawlessness and bloodletting that have taken over all parts of Nigeria. On those occasions, we called on government at all levels to provide leadership in ensuring that the security and welfare […]

Happy Children’s Day!

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way it treats its children.” Nelson Mandela

Are we stuck with this Constitution? – By Sesugh Akume

There is a unanimous and growing consensus that Nigeria is not working. Whereas some are of the opinion that bad leadership is the main culprit, others say it is both bad leadership and the structure/system. They insist that even with the greatest leadership not much can be achieved under the present system which hinders, opposes, […]

Confirmation Bias: When Seeing Isn’t Believing

  You came up with this brilliant startup idea and now you’re sure you want to become an entrepreneur. All of a sudden, you start seeing advice about startups popping up everywhere: your Facebook and Twitter feed, when you turn on the TV – everywhere. ‘This must be a sign! The universe is telling me […]

Occupy Your Office!

Dear Active Citizen, We are 38 days away from signing up to participate in the 2023 general elections. As you may already know, Continuous Voter’s Registration (CVR) starts on Monday, June 28th. Registration will begin online via a registration portal and then completed by biometric data capture at designated registration centres nationwide. Now is the time to […]

Robbery in Aso Rock?

Dear Active Citizen, Something interesting went down on Monday, May 10th at Aso Rock where robbers allegedly invaded the residence of President Buhari’s Chief of Staff, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari at around 3:00 am. The allegation has been dubbed as an ‘unsuccessful attempt’ but it makes us cringe at the level of insecurity in Nigeria. In a country where inland […]