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On the 20th of October, 2020, the Nigerian army opened fire on peaceful protesters singing the Nigerian anthem and waving the Nigerian flag at Lekki tollgate. This attack on protesters was one of the actions of brute force used by the Nigerian army and police against protesters who had condemned this same brutality in the #EndSARS protests which began in Nigerian early October and spread globally. Since the violent crack down on protesters, the Nigerian government has further exacerbated the situation by witch hunting protesters, freezing their bank accounts, seizing their passports, arresting and detaining them without charges, coupled with imposing fines on media houses and threatening the freedom of the press, as well as threatening the social Media bill to intimidate protesters..


Till date, NO ONE HAS BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the Lekki massacre and the murders of Nigerian civilians involved in the #EndSARS protests. We hereby condemn the actions of the Nigerian government. 


We condemn the actions of the Nigerian government and demands for President Muhammadu Buhari, the federal government of Nigeria, as well as state governments to:

  • Immediately take responsibility for the Lekki Massacre and ensure that all the culprits of this crime and other murders of civilians are brought to justice
  • Cease and desist harassment of protesters and social media activists.
  • Release all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and to drop all charges against them.


Use this Toolkit to spread the word to 

#EndSARS, #FreePoliticalPrisoners and assert that #ProtestIsAHumanRight


Spread the word: Tell the Nigerian Embassy to free all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and to bring an end to the harassment and unlawful detention of protestors by calling them at (202) 986-8400 or emailing the embassy at


Phone Call Script

My name is ________ and I’m calling from [city, state].


The End SARS movement in Nigeria gained popular support from the Nigerian people, yet the demands of the movement were not met. Protesters are actually facing brutal repression and many have been killed, including in the Lekki, Mushin, and Alausa Massacres. 


I urge you to push for the release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, an end to the harassment and unlawful detention of protestors, and the immediate scrapping of Operation MESA and any new form of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad as a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit or by any other name.


Protest is not a crime and Nigerian authorities must protect protesters. 


Thank you.


Email Template

Dear Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,


The #EndSARS movement in Nigeria gained popular support from the Nigerian people, yet the demands of the movement were not met. Protesters are actually facing brutal repression and many have been killed, including in the Lekki, Mushin, and Alausa Massacres. Those who have been extorted, raped, tortured, and killed by police officers from the Special Anti-Robbery Squad – SARS are still waiting for justice. 


I call on you to ensure that the Nigerian federal government accepts full responsibility for killing people during the #EndSARS protests, immortalizes the fallen heroes, and makes adequate restitution.


I urge you to push for the release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, an end to the harassment and unlawful detention of protestors, and the immediate scrapping of Operation MESA and any new form of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad as a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit or by any other name. 


Protest is not a crime and Nigerian authorities must protect protesters. 


It is time to finally end SARS and state repression in Nigeria.






Take action now by tagging @NigeriaEmbassy and calling them at (202) 986-8400 to demand freedom for all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and to bring an end to the harassment and unlawful detention of protesters #EndSARS #FreePoliticalPrisoners #ProtestIsAHumanRight

Calling all comrades! It’s the one month anniversary of the #LekkiMassacre in Nigeria and many are in jail and facing harassment for protesting. Contact  @NigeriaEmbassy on Twitter and call them at (202) 986-8400 to demand justice. #EndSARS #FreePoliticalPrisoners #ProtestIsAHumanRight

Comrades to the front! Many protesters are in jail and facing harassment for speaking out against the notorious SARS police unit. Contact  @NigeriaEmbassy on Twitter and call them at (202) 986-8400 to demand justice. #EndSARS #FreePoliticalPrisoners #ProtestIsAHumanRight


Source: Nigerians in diaspora & #BLM

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