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…when schooling in Nigeria is becoming a scam

After being in the education system for over 12 years, I have come to realize that most parents send their children to school for different reasons; that can either be directly or indirectly linked to What their intuition deems as the best legacy.

I have witnessed most rich parents and poor parents work hard So that they can provide an education for their children that they didn’t receive themselves.

It is quite disheartening to know that most of the literate Nigerian youths that are successful today had to do some out of school learning/training before they fit into the labor market.

It is now more obvious that most children’s talents are no more discovered within the four walls of the school and even when discovered there are high chances of not been nurtured well.

In a real sense today, schooling in Nigeria is becoming a scam in our generation.

If you are reading this, ask yourself the following questions;

  • What is the essence of being a university graduate if the knowledge acquired in school cannot give you your desired lifestyle?
  • What is the essence of being a university graduate if most companies will still prefer recruiting experienced people to graduates with zero experience but with good grades?
  • What is the essence of sending our children to school if it cannot assure them a bright future?

If your answers to these questions are positive then you must be part of one out of many that enjoyed best schooling facilities or a rare being but if otherwise, then you are just like me.

Now we have many unemployable graduates adding to the problems of our nation because of our failing schooling system.

I so wish you and I can run to aid our failing schooling system in Nigeria.

By Tosin Mike (; 0813838630)

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