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Breaking Strongholds – Feyi Fawehinmi

In 2013 in South Korea – the land of Hyundai and Kia – the Toyota Camry won the car of the year award. This wasn’t just any foreign car though; this was a Japanese foreign car. A cursory glance at the history of Korea and Japan lets you know how much anti-Japanese feeling persists in […]

5 years later, we remember ‘Enough is Enough’ – Chioma Agwuegbo

Thinking of what we now know as Enough is Enough Nigeria always leaves me with three feelings. Pride – that I was a part of something whose influence transcends the shores of this country Despair – that five years after, the issues that gave birth to are still the issues we’re grappling with now Hope […]

EIE Nigeria & The Office of The Citizen – Japheth Omojuwa

In January 2013, a few Nigerian citizens got emails about the danger of abandoning Bagega, a lead poisoned village in Zamafara unremediated. There was the danger of losing at least 1500 children to lead poisoning, not to mention the attendant danger to adults. There was meant to be a reason to fear for the lives […]

The Cost of A Truncated Democratic Process – Japheth Omojuwa

A lot has been said about Nigeria’s ‘bouncebackability’; the ability of our country to bounce back from every adversity. We have survived tough times over the last half-century. We went through the Western Nigeria political crisis of the early 60s; we came through a bloody civil war, we have since survived countless coups, ethnic and […]

2011 General Elections

Summary of the 2011 Presidential Election results and the geographical representation. 2011 Voters Register Summary Of 2011 Presidential Election STATE Party Votes Percentage Gombe CPC 459,898 59.73% PDP 290,347 37.71% ANPP 5,693 0.74% ACN 3,420 0.44% BNPP 1,764 0.23% PDC 1,423 0.18% FRESH 983 0.13% PPP 926 0.12% PMP 924 0.12% NMDP 720 0.09% NCP […]

Confab Daily – Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Confab session for Tuesday started with recommendations of the committee on Transportation, read by the chairman of the committee. Barr. Nasariu representing Kebbi state praised the recommendations made by the committee but pointed out the gross omission of accident prevention on our roads. He recommended that any driver who kills someone on the road […]

Citizen Solutions to End Terrorism

Crowdsourcing citizens’ solutions to end terror in the aftermath of a bloody weekend in Borno, the Nyanya bombing in Abuja and the abduction of over 200 girls in Borno. Download PDF Format   On Monday, April 14, Nigerians woke up to news of another heart-rending carnage at Nyanya Motor Park after a bomb detonated. Over […]

Oduah Scandal

Corruption and Impunity Should Not Be Tolerated The N255m purchase of two armoured BMW luxury vehicles is just another example of the fiscal and moral recklessness that exists in many of Nigeria’s government institutions. Where is the government accountability and responsibility? As Nigerian citizens we must demand more from our government. We must demand that […]

EiE Tribute: Nelson Mandela

NELSON MANDELA 1918-2013: THE LEGACY CONTINUES “Our struggle for freedom and justice was a collective effort…it is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” Nelson Mandela was not only South African, he was African and indeed a citizen of the world. He was a man of immense courage […]