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EiE-SBM 2023 Election Forecast

EiE-SBM 2023 Election Forecast     The first 2023 election survey conducted by SBM Intelligence was published in July 2022 and showed that only 41% of registered voters had collected their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs). This assumption of low turnout fed into our December 2022 projections, based on a 7,000-respondent survey. The assumption of low […]

The Cultural Revolution Against Incremental Progress

[By Seun Onigbinde]     When the former head of the Burkina Faso junta, Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, stated that loud gunshots around the Presidential Palace were because of mood swings of soldiers, I felt the comic relief could benefit the creative artistry of the viral jester, Investor Sabinus. In the next few hours, Paul-Henri would […]

Footprints: Past. Present. Future

[By ‘Yemi Adamolekun]   “As I speak to you, the president’s people have finally given in to the constitution. But has anything really changed? Did those playing with our destinies understand the gravity of their actions? You and I know the answer to that. Just like you, guys, I have had enough. Enough, this time, […]

Where is the Outrage?

[By ‘Yemi Adamolekun]       When citizens are beaten and detained by the First Lady of a democratic government, there has to be outrage.  It was outrage against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) that started the #EndSARS protest in 2020.  Outrage against injustice and silence birthed Enough is Enough Nigeria in 2010. Here is […]

Population Magic: Labour Force & Registered Voters

[By Zeal Akaraiwe]   Although statistics can appear to be just numbers, they are much more than that. The more you examine those figures, the more significance you see in them, but on the other hand, Ronald H. Coase, a renowned British economist, asserts that, “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to […]

Digital Rights and Closing Civic Spaces in Nigeria

[By Seun Akinyemi]   The path to digital rights in Nigeria is rough and rocky. This can be credited to different attempts by the federal government of Nigeria to regulate social media. The journey to regulate social media started with the Cybercrime Act which was assented to by former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015. President Buhari has […]

It is Time for an #IntegrityMovement

[By Soji Apampa]   The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network ( and their partner, the Convention on Business Integrity (, have worked in partnership with the Nigerian Government to reduce corruption in the vessel clearing process of the maritime sector. In 2019 there were 266 cases of demands for large unreceipted cash payments by government officials from […]

Causation vs Correlation

[By Zeal Akaraiwe]     I’ll give a quick example to illustrate the distinction between correlation and causation and, more importantly, the error in judgement that results from applying it incorrectly. When living in most parts of Lagos, it’s very easy to assume or conclude that “leaving the doors and windows open causes malaria,” and […]

When Two Elephants Fight, #OfficeOfTheCitizen is Needed!

[By Soji Apampa]     Elites from northern Nigeria are political heavyweights; this is difficult to dispute. Elites from southern Nigeria are economically heavy weights, which is also hard to dismiss. The two have been incessantly at each other like squabbling sisters very close in age. This had gone on for as far as anyone […]