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Twitter Ban and its Implication for Nigeria’s Fragile Democracy

[By Rachael Eni] If you think the quote “There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech” attributed to Idi Amin is ludicrous, you probably haven’t heard of the happenings in Nigeria over the last two months. Like many other Nigerians, I didn’t fully understand the gravity of the government’s announcement banning […]

Fighting for Nigeria: Thoughts from the Life, Career, and Activism of Wole Soyinka

[By Adeoluwa Adebayo] For a nation judged as the giant of Africa, Nigeria is a conundrum. From the attainment of independence to the collapse of the first republic ultimately resulting in a civil war, the meandering military governments intertwined with the second and third republics, to the current democratic dispensation (which is the longest in […]

Twitter Ban: Understanding the Reputational Risk to Nigeria

[By Atedo Peterside] In the wake of the government’s announcement banning microblogging platform, Twitter, Nigeria joins the infamous list of countries like China, Iran and North Korea – three of the world’s most repressive countries, that have banned or suspended the use of the American microblogging platform. This is, however, one record we should not […]

#TwitterBanInNigeria: The Third Party and the Third Sector

[By ‘Gbenga Sesan] It is important to situate the debate around the Nigerian government’s suspension of Twitter within the context of ongoing conversations between many countries and social media platforms. The hot topic of social media regulation is understandable because of the twin issues of disinformation (“fake news”) and dangerous speech (“hate speech”) but to […]

Southeast Nigeria: When Silence Is No Longer Golden

[By Ike Chioke] Nigeria and Nigeria’s friends must speak out on the heightened spate of insecurity in the Southeast now before it is too late. What started as flickering candlelight is quickly snowballing into a huge forest fire. And if we do not act quickly, history will not be kind to all of us who […]

Case Number 04062021: Twitter vs. Nigeria

Image of author of the article

(From the blog: ‘My Nigerian Dream’) By: Ayobami Akinyode OLUNLOYO If this incredulous situation went to court, I guess the case name might sound something like the title of this piece. Ha! But guess what? Nigerian courts are currently on strike, so no chance of that. When we sit idly by, while our courts are […]


Every administration that has assumed political power in this country over the last four decades has failed fundamentally. Part of the failures stem from the malfunction to deliver good governance, which heralds the provision of basic social amenities to the public. Rather than fulfilling and delivering on election promises, they are busy amassing wealth (public […]

Different Times, Different Footprints: Make the Impact Needed in Your Time

In the mid 19th century, there was a brilliant surgeon who had unmatched skill and understanding of the human body and used this talent to save very many lives. However, due to the difficulties of international travel and communication at the time, he was constrained and was only able to save very few lives outside […]

Are we stuck with this Constitution? – By Sesugh Akume

There is a unanimous and growing consensus that Nigeria is not working. Whereas some are of the opinion that bad leadership is the main culprit, others say it is both bad leadership and the structure/system. They insist that even with the greatest leadership not much can be achieved under the present system which hinders, opposes, […]

Confirmation Bias: When Seeing Isn’t Believing

  You came up with this brilliant startup idea and now you’re sure you want to become an entrepreneur. All of a sudden, you start seeing advice about startups popping up everywhere: your Facebook and Twitter feed, when you turn on the TV – everywhere. ‘This must be a sign! The universe is telling me […]