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Police Brutality, Taking A Clue From Derek Chauvin’s Conviction

On that faithful 25th day of May 2020, if anyone had told George Floyd the African-American that it would be his last, I presume that the African blood in him would have sparked up some rebuke religiously or spiritually such as; ‘May the gods forbid’, ‘ I rebuke that in Jesus name’, ‘It is not […]

The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: The Pantomime of Bikinimi – Rotimi Fawole

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After a season of gbakamuninion with the unchill in the Kingdom of Jirria, the spirit of the Tword once again came upon the Chronicler, bringing phantasmagoric visions of Gambrachian doings. It was time once again for the annual Colustrum of Shiwajun, where the Apicureans gathered from near and far to suckle from the nipples of […]

Good Governance Makes Sense – Ayobami Akinyode OLUNLOYO

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(From the blog: ‘My Nigerian Dream’) Nigeria remains a country of countless contradictions. Impressive and daring citizens on one hand, yet a shockingly unimpressive leadership on the other. When ‘we the people’ clamour for ‘good governance’, it’s not just a mantra. Why can we not implement seemingly simple yet reasonable strategies? Good governance is neither […]

Silence is Consent: Occupying the Office of the Citizen – ‘Yemi Adamolekun

When I started actively working on governance issues 10 years ago, it seemed that there would be a rational sequence of actions that led to holding public office holders accountable. People put themselves forward to serve and when they fail to deliver on their promises, refuse to serve or serve in ways that are destructive, […]

The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: End SCARS! – Rotimi Fawole

In the land of Jirriah, where King Gambrach reigned over the 37 Kingdoms, from the Iron Throne of Boo Jar, there was a division of the King’s Constabulary known as SCARS.     SCARS was an acronym and lo, it stood for Subhuman Constables Against Robbing Sitizens. Yea, it should have been SCARC, as ye […]

Achieve fame and all is forgiven – Chuba Ezekwesili

Here’s a guide to achieving this fame which will absolve you from ever speaking up. First step – chase international fame. If you chase international fame, we’ll stan for you. Even if you say nothing about our plight or about #EndSARS, we’ll excuse your silence. After all, you’re doing us proud by repping us internationally. […]

We Move! – Aisha Yesufu

First of all, I would like to say that may the souls of all our #EndSars soldiers we have lost in this fight rest in peace and may healing come to Nigeria. It is very important for us all to look at the question and ask ourselves “how did we get here?” And I’m going […]

“Still Unconvinced? Why Nigeria’s Diaspora Matters”

(From the blog: ‘My Nigerian Dream’) By: Ayobami Akinyode OLUNLOYO   As I considered how to begin this piece, a few thoughts raced through my mind; many of them about the approach rather than the actual message I hope to convey. Interesting huh? I don’t fancy myself as a writer in the class of the […]

“For the Love of Country…”

(From the blog: ‘My Nigerian Dream’)  Ayobami Akinyode OLUNLOYO   I often say (to myself) that the best songs in the world have already been sung. This is my own personal way of appreciating truly iconic and classic songs and elevating them to a status of “untouchable” when compared with more recent songs. I do […]

#EndSARS: When Young Citizens are “No Longer at Ease”

The plot of the 1960 novel by Professor Chinua Achebe’s “No Longer at Ease” chronicles the corruptible nature of the main character confronted with the issue of bribery. This is further complicated by a state of emotional confusion between his African culture and Western lifestyle. Perhaps, Achebe’s debut novel “Things Fall Apart” first published in […]