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Nigeria House of Commotion

Sigh. On Tuesday, July 21st, the Presidency in a press release reduced the massacre in Kaduna to mere “revenge killing”. It further made excuses on why it had not succeeded in curbing insecurity in the region before condemning the killings. This is a belated response from the government as it had been mute ever since the killings started. You cannot keep absorbing militants and […]

Gbas Gbos in the Delta

It was an epic gbas gbos during the week when Joy Ninueh, former Managing Director, Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), levelled corruption and sexual harassment allegations against Godswill Akpabio, the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs.  As a comeback, Mr Akpabio diagnosed her of temperamental disorder, which, according to him, can be confirmed by her four ex-husbands. Mrs Ninueh was placed on […]

Win for #StateOfEmergencyGBV

Score one for all! This week, the Senate, passed the “SB 77: Sexual Harassment Bill, 2019” after reading it for the third time. The Bill seeks to promote and protect ethical standards in tertiary institutions, protect students against sexual harassment as well as prevent sexual harassment of students by educators in tertiary institutions and proposes up to 14 years jail term for […]

Coronavirus is still here!

We know the world is all excited about the eased lockdown! Yes, who wouldn’t be after being denied such liberty for months? However, please let us observe safety protocols and only venture into journeys that are necessary. As the weeks go by, more people are getting infected. This is not the time to host people […]

Nigerian Politicians League

They say, my friend’s enemy is my enemy. So when does your enemy become your friend? It is all about interest and changes in perspectives. Therefore, there are permanent interests but no permanent friends. At the moment, it has been a drama roller coaster in the political sphere as poverty of ideology has continued to affect the […]

Religious Gatherings in a Pandemic

Dear Active Citizen, How are you doing? How are you adapting to our current realities? Are you back in your places of worship or still worshipping God in the corner of your home? We understand the importance of connecting with your God especially during this pandemic but COVID-19 travels faster in closed spaces. This is why bars, […]

We Must Protest this Injustice!

Recent events in Nigeria have revealed a seemingly silent ‘epidemic’ – Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). SGBV appears silent as survivors find it difficult to speak up for varying reasons including fear, threat, backlash, and attack on their person. As a society, it’s our duty to rise to the defence of survivors. However, a certain section of the […]

We Would Keep Fighting!

Dear friends, On May 29, 1999, we returned to civilian rule. For 19 years, it was celebrated as Nigeria’s Democracy Day. In some quarters and states like Lagos, whose leadership believed in MKO Abiola’s mandate, June 12 was marked as Democracy Day. Other states like Osun, Ogun and Oyo had also marked June 12 as Democracy Day, […]

Easing The Lockdown; A New Way to Celebrate!

Dear Friends, Let’s talk about the season! Eid al-Fitr also known as the “Lesser” Eid, is “the feast of breaking the fast.” It’s such a great time to catch up with family and old friends, to share and care. While it’s the small salah (eyes those who thought this is the one with the meat largesse), sweet dishes are prepared, children […]