
Religious Gatherings in a Pandemic

Dear Active Citizen, How are you doing? How are you adapting to our current realities? Are you back in your places of worship or still worshipping God in the corner of your home? We understand the importance of connecting with your God especially during this pandemic but COVID-19 travels faster in closed spaces. This is why bars, […]

We Must Protest this Injustice!

Recent events in Nigeria have revealed a seemingly silent ‘epidemic’ – Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). SGBV appears silent as survivors find it difficult to speak up for varying reasons including fear, threat, backlash, and attack on their person. As a society, it’s our duty to rise to the defence of survivors. However, a certain section of the […]

We Would Keep Fighting!

Dear friends, On May 29, 1999, we returned to civilian rule. For 19 years, it was celebrated as Nigeria’s Democracy Day. In some quarters and states like Lagos, whose leadership believed in MKO Abiola’s mandate, June 12 was marked as Democracy Day. Other states like Osun, Ogun and Oyo had also marked June 12 as Democracy Day, […]

Easing The Lockdown; A New Way to Celebrate!

Dear Friends, Let’s talk about the season! Eid al-Fitr also known as the “Lesser” Eid, is “the feast of breaking the fast.” It’s such a great time to catch up with family and old friends, to share and care. While it’s the small salah (eyes those who thought this is the one with the meat largesse), sweet dishes are prepared, children […]

You are important to us!

Dear Active Citizen, How are you doing? Like really, how are you? How has life been post lockdown? How are you adapting to this new way of living? Are you back to work or still working from home? We understand how difficult this season can be; our world was not prepared for this pandemic and […]

Shine Your Eye & Take Action

“There’s a lot to be anxious about during this crisis and it’s understandable. But don’t let it flood your being so that it stops you from being rational & taking practical steps.” Oyinkansola Alabi (Emotions Doctor) and host, Tolulope Adeleru-Balogun joined the ‘Call of Duty’ conversation this week. Missed it? Catch up! The conversation continues next week and promises to be great.  Follow […]

Let’s Work Together!

Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON) has produced  ‘DICOVENT’; a low-cost mobile ventilator for Continuous Mandatory Ventilation (CMV) & Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (IPPV). The ventilator had undergone thorough scrutiny & assessment by specialists from top hospitals & experts in the country.

2019 Impact in Numbers

2019 was a great year for us at EiE. We pushed ourselves to achieve the objectives set for the year despite lean resources. Most importantly, as it was an election year we educated Nigerians on their rights and responsibilities before, during, and after the elections. There is so much more to say than this piece can capture. Download the […]


The federal government expanded testing capacity from 6 to 13 molecular laboratories in less than 3 weeks. 2 other molecular laboratories in Sokoto and Port Harcourt are in progress.