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EiE Celebrates 11 years of Inspiring Actions, One Person at a Time

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.“

Barrack Obama (44th President of the United States)

In 2010, with nothing but a cause and technological tools – Facebook, Twitter, mail and BlackBerry Messenger; the collective voice of a coalition of individuals and organisations who said “Enough is Enough!” will change the face of active citizenship in Nigeria. A year later, their ‘voice’ will birth the operations of Enough is Enough (EiE) Nigeria, an organization whose impact has gone beyond Nigeria.

From the several historic citizens’ protests over the last decade – the 2010 protests on Nigeria’s missing President, killings in Jos & fuel scarcity; #OccupyNigeria in 2012, #OpenNASS in 2013, #OneVoice in 2017,  #NoToSocialMediaBill in 2019 and several others, EiE has walked its talk, demanding accountability from public officials to the citizens they represent.

In 2020, EiE celebrated its 10th anniversary with the theme Footprints: Past. Present. Future. It also launched the #OnePerson Campaign to highlight the fact that one person can make a difference. The Campaign was to curate the different actions of #OnePerson across the country and challenge other citizens to occupy their Office of the Citizen and become active citizens, leaving their footprints in the sands of time in the process. Unfortunately, the COVID19 pandemic altered our plans. Nevertheless, the #EndSARS protests across the country that followed in October 2020 reinforced why we exist as it was fitting that in our 10th year, another youth-led protest shook Nigeria, reverberating around the world.

As EiE turns 11 years today, the #OnePerson Campaign continues as we encourage more citizens to Soro Soke and take action as actions speak louder than words.

Once again EiE invites you to participate by sharing the ONE ACTION or ONE STAND you have taken as #OnePerson towards achieving a more accountable government by simply recording a short video where you talk about how, as ‘ONE PERSON’, you’re leaving a lasting FOOTPRINT in your community. Upload the video on any of your social platforms with the hashtags #OnePerson, #EiEat11 #EiEFootprints.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!


Enough is Enough Nigeria ( is a network of individuals and organizations committed to instituting a culture of good governance and public accountability in Nigeria through active citizenship. EiE’s #RSVP –Register/Select/Vote/Protect is a key voter education campaign. EiE was an integral part of the #OccupyNigeria movement in 2012 and is very active in the #OpenNASS and #OfficeOftheCitizen campaigns.

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