
NPC Campaign FAQs

What is a population and housing census?

A Population and Housing Census is the official and complete enumeration (count) of all persons and housing units in a country at a specified time. The enumeration implies the collection, collation, compilation, evaluation, analysis, publication and dissemination of demographic, social and economic statistics relating to the population and housing units in a country at a specified time.

Why undertake a Population Census and Housing Census at the same time?

Population and Housing Census is like a photograph of the population of a country at a specific moment. To enumerate the population at different times and over a long period of time will distort the photographic essence of a census. Conducting the census over a long period of time increases the risk of multiple enumeration as people will move from one place to the other. The United Nations definition of Population Census has listed simultaneity as one of the key attributes of a population census.

When was the last Population and Housing Census conducted in Nigeria?

The last Population and Housing Census in Nigeria was conducted in 2006 and prior to that were the Population Censuses conducted in 1991, 1973, 1962/1963, 1951/1953, 1931 and 1921.

When will the 2023 Population and Housing Census be conducted in Nigeria?

The 2023 Population and Housing Census is scheduled to be conducted from 3rd to 5th May 2023.

Why do we need to have a Population and Housing Census?

The information collected will give planners, both inside and outside of government; an accurate number of how many people are living in Nigeria, who they are, where they live and their living conditions. This will aid the governments to plan for provision of various social services and basic amenities such as education, health, housing, sanitation, electricity, roads and others which are beneficial to the citizens of Nigeria. The information that will be derived from the census will also help the private sector, including businesses to plan their activities, which will be of benefit to the economic development of this country. In addition, international bodies, including Development Partners and Non-Governmental Organizations will also utilize the Population and Housing Census data when planning for Nigeria. That is why it is important for everyone within the borders of Nigeria to participate.

Who will use the Census data?

Every person living in Nigeria or outside can use the data to find out information about the country and the specific area where and how people live. Information such as how many people live at a place, their characteristics (age, sex, education etc.) and the type of structures available and those in use can be obtained from the data. Apart from general information, the data can be used by different groups such as government agencies, businesses, NGOs and CSOs for planning and decision-making. Researchers and academia can also use the data to conduct further research on issues and for teaching.

What is new in the 2023 Population and Housing Census?

  • Use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to collect data. All previous data collections have used paper assisted personal interviewing (PAPI). The use of PDAs will ensure efficient data, collection, management, and processing in a timely manner. That is, it will help to receive data in real time and also minimise the data processing period so that processed data could be released shortly after field data collection.
  • Use of digital EA Maps. The  Geographic Information System {GIS) technology has helped to capture the location {coordinates) of all structures and all localities to ensure complete coverage and also improve data analysis.

How often should a Population and Housing Census be conducted?

The United Nations {UN) recommends that the  Census be conducted periodically, in every 5 years or 10 years depending on the resources of the country and political will.

Why do I have to participate in Census 2023?

As an individual, you count and so, should be counted. Secondly, decision-makers need to make provision for everybody in their policy planning. The nation needs to know how many people at various ages, gender and other characteristics are in the country so that facilities such as toilets, schools, hospitals, markets and other services can be provided for individuals and communities at where they are now and to plan services for the future {e.g the next 10 years and beyond).  

It is also a civic responsibility and a legal requirement, so do your bit to help make Nigeria a better place to live for everybody.
To participate in the Census, you should cooperate with census officials and ensure that all the information provided to enumerators is complete and accurate.

How will the NPC make sure that I am counted and no one will be counted more than once?

The 2023 Population and Housing Census is leveraging technology to implement several interventions towards ensuring complete and accurate coverage.

First, elaborate, and skillful use of GIS technology and geospatial resources ensures the capturing of the GPS coordinates of all structures and also ensures that enumerators know how and where to locate households and persons for enumeration.

Second, during data collection real-time monitoring and continuous data validation  will be undertaken at the various levels of operations (supervisory area, LGA, state, region and national) to continuously access data quality and especially check for gaps, overlaps and inconsistencies.


Third, the Commission has instructed the enumerators to apply indelible ink on the left thumb of the respondent. Every enumerator must check the left thumb for the presence of indelible ink.

Finally, elaborate campaigns and public sensitisation programmes will create an alert, enthusiastic and proactive public to avoid duplications and report any omissions or even fabrications. A Call Centre has been established to receive calls from households and persons that may not have been listed and/or enumerated and also makes outbound calls to randomly selected households to confirm that they have indeed been enumerated.

For all 46 frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the 2023 census, please click here.

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