The leadership challenge is a quagmire that has befallen the Nigerian state, from the first coup of January 15, 1966, to the President’s vacuum of 2010, the perpetual election violence that has sadly become parts of our national life, and the ugly narrative of being labelled the most corrupt nation in the world. Our country is in dire need of sustainable leadership and working governing culture.
Tertiary institutions have always been a perfect nursery to nurture the next crop of leaders in governance, politics, business, and religion. Armed with this knowledge, EiE Nigeria is embarking on a project to raise Nigeria’s next generation of leaders and active citizens.
Student Lead, a project by EiE Nigeria is aimed at engaging students in Nigeria’s tertiary institutions on the impact of politics and the effect of government policies on their lives and the future.
The first session involves 6 weeks intensive online training on Driving social change in Nigeria’s tertiary institution. Successful candidates will undergo classes that involve different modules on leadership in the 21st century, How to build social movements, strategies for successful advocacy, youths in politics etc. These classes would be facilitated by leading policy analysts, CSOs experts, and social activists. Upon completion of the training, a certificate of participation would be awarded to each attendee.