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Confab Daily – Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Wednesday session of the Confab started with delegates waiting for the leadership to enter as they stood for over two minutes after the first sound of the entry gavel was hit.Albert Horsefall, the Vice Chairman of the Committee on security, law and order, who stood in for the Chairman, Gambo Jimetta, rendered an apology on behalf of Mr. Jimetta, who is unavoidably absent at the session.


Horsefall, told the house that he was mandated to present the report of the Committee.

Horsefall provided an overview of all the issues underscored in the report based on. Nine retired generals, four top police officers, four former governors, many senior lawyers and other distinguished Nigerians.

He said the Armed Forces Act needed to be reviewed, saying that some provisions of the Act were inconsistent with the 1999 Constitution. The Committee in the report referred to some of the terms used in the Act, which could be prone to abuses.

The Committee called for the review of the condition of disengagement, financial emolument among others, were recommended to be amended.

Horsefall said that some states are already exercising autocratic tendencies in the administration of the other tiers of government where the legislature and the judiciary are brought under the control of the governors.

“Many people are scared that bringing the police under the control of local politician will led to abuses. But this can work where the unit of control is under a regional government based on the rule of law,” he said.

While supporting the establishment of the Boarder Protection Force, the Committee noted that it would be wrong to situate it under the Nigerian Immigration service. Since it is supposed to be a purely military force, the Committee cannot be merged with a civilian service like the Immigrations.

The Committee recommended for the creation of the Border Force and the Coast Guard. He appealed to the journalists to close their ears.

Then chairman of the confab has sent journalists out of the conference ordering security officers to bundle every journalist out.

“Shut your camera and everything and get out,” the Chairman shouted at reporters. “Get out now. Disappear from here. Security, get them out. Out from here now.”

It was gathered that journalists were sent out of the gallery because delegates were going to start deliberations on the report of the committee.


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