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Religious Gatherings in a Pandemic

Dear Active Citizen,

How are you doing? How are you adapting to our current realities? Are you back in your places of worship or still worshipping God in the corner of your home?

We understand the importance of connecting with your God especially during this pandemic but COVID-19 travels faster in closed spaces. This is why bars, indoor restaurants, spas, event centres, non-essential offices, etc are still closed.

Places of worship are a sub-set of this category of spaces – there is no other reason why some state governments are exercising great caution regarding their opening. For example, Lagos has deferred indefinitely its planned opening for the weekend of June 19th.

Across the world, we have seen churches become sources of “super spreaders” who infect others. Unfortunately, some have died.

The health and well-being of worshippers, as other users of affected spaces, must be the priority at all times.

See our research on religion and COVID-19.

Do you know how to get tested for COVID19? Click here.

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