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#EndSARS: Focus on the Government and Get Them to ACT – Bankole Wellington

The honest truth is that people have been pushed to the edge. They have been frustrated, angry and burnt for far too long. And there is not one leader or group to speak to. It is decentralized, organic and spread out.Thousands of angry young people united only in their pain and disappointment in their country. […]

DisCos, Your Customers Can’t Breathe – Adeolu Adekola

The disturbing footage revealing circumstances leading to George Floyd’s death after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA reverberated across the world and sparked protests by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence. The footage showed a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, […]

The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: Interregnum in Car-Knoe – Rotimi Fawole

Yea, in that day, a great pestilence befell the kingdoms of the earth and a whirlwind of unchill tossed the seas. Some people called it colonialvirus because it struck at the imperial heartlands of Old Europiana. Other people called it cycloneavirus, as it blew unchill all the way from the Woo-Hand Province in Jinpingopia to […]

I Believe I Can Try – Banky Wellington

In the last few months, a good number of the most brilliant, intelligent, brightest and hopeful young minds I’ve worked with in Nigeria, have relocated to Canada. Shortly after my campaign for the House of Representatives ended, two of the most impactful leaders on my campaign team—one a lawyer, and the other an IT professional/Tech […]

So, are we the Turning Point Generation? By Chude Jideonwo

Every now and again I miss those heady days. The raw mix of hope, naivety, time, energy, no-baggage, freshness, ignorance and arrogance that fuels the action that often causes big changes; changes that the wise, who have tried before, tell you won’t’ work out, and the cynical wonder: why bother? I remember how excited I […]

Finally, The Hour is Upon Us – What Now?

The 20th century Russian politician Vladmir Lenin once famously remarked: “There are decades where nothing happens; there are weeks where decades happen.” The past seven day period in Nigeria has been one of those proverbial decade-weeks, with at least three major local and international stories emerging with seismic implications for the country’s future.   First, we heard […]