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If you’re reading this, you’re Qualified!

Dear Active Citizen,

We know you are aware of the recent happenings in the country especially with regards to insecurity.

Gunmen now brazenly kidnap people, families haggle ransom prices or lose their wards; we no longer worry about bad roads but escaping bandits attacks on the way. There’s civil unrest especially in the southern region and it is almost like everything is topsy turvy…wait, not almost, it IS!

Where do we go from here? Our leaders have already told us to defend ourselves, right?

We must step up to the task of not only demanding but ensuring that we get it. Following through with demands is key. It shows them that we aren’t playing. So, apply pressure and demand for good governance!

Don’t know who to put pressure on? Start with your representatives at your State House of Assembly or the National Assembly. Don’t know who represents you? Find out here.


Thursday, February 25, 2021, marked 7 years since Boko Haram attacked Federal Government College Buni Yadi and killed 59 boys. May their souls continue to rest in peace.

We remain unflinching in our demand for the remaining #ChibokGirls, #JangebeGirls, Leah Sharibu and other kidnapped victims.

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