
The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: Armoured Tekuns & Angry Yetis

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In the ninth month of the second quadrannium of Gambrach, the spirit of rubberstampia descended with great heaviness upon the wardens of senatii and junior senatii – Sers Nar Wal and Jar-Jar Beer Miller – and in unison they proclaimed, “We are nothing but inkpads in the hands of rubberstampia. Our constituents did not send […]

#OOTC on Radio

On #OOTCLagos, Editor, YNaija, Edwin Okolo discussed implementing an inclusive transport policy.  Catch up on the conversation. You can follow the conversations on the #OfficeOfTheCitizen radio programs. Never forget, the Office of the Citizen is the highest office in the land! Tweet at @EiENigeria using #OfficeOfTheCitizen to be a part of the conversation.

Tenure of Service Chiefs: Long Overdue?

The House of Representatives passed a resolution on Wednesday, January 29th directing the service chiefs to resign over their failure to curb the rising insecurity in Nigeria. Share your view with us on the tenure of the service chiefs. #CitizensSpeak

What Makes A Country Developed?

Written by Oluseun Onigbinde and was published on BusinessDay on Wednesday, January 29th, 2020 In the past one year, I have lived in the US and also hopped around 27 countries, from Guinea to Finland. These travels have left me with questions around development: what does it mean for a country to be developed? What […]

Naija Matters

Naija Matters, a conversation on the state of the nation with Nigerians in the diaspora. The first edition was held on Tuesday, January 28th in Maryland, USA. One of the major highlights is diaspora voting during elections. Stay tuned for the next edition.

What does your driving say about your leadership style? – Adun Okupe

I was trying to hold a conversation with my new driver just the other day, trying to move a little bit beyond the usual instructions of we need to go here, we need to go there, drive carefully, drive slowly, make sure you indicate with the trafficator where you want to, make sure you give […]

Unlikely Partners: The Nigerian Edition

I made a promise to read Unlikely Partners, Julian Gewirtz’s book on Chinese reformers, and the role of Western economists in China’s rapid development, before the end of 2019. This is part of my current fixation on China and India, two countries that have delivered serious body blows to global poverty. If you haven’t read […]

Is Nigeria a nation that CAN work with her current formation?

Over 400 Ethnic groups who don’t all love and trust one another. There’s a lot of HISTORY in the mistrust. Religious people who don’t really know their foreign gods. So, they mix religion and their own culture. Foreign education without domestication. We had our own ways of passing on trade and business that ensured there […]

The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: The Soldiers of Shiwajun

Thus it was, in the kingdom of Kogitaria, that electoralis minora came and went. King Jar-Jar Bellows was announced by the Necomongers as triumphant and he returned for a second quadrannium. The Nassholes had approved a Gambrachian bequeathment of 10 billion shekels to King Bellows on the eve of electoralise but King Gambrach’s eau de […]