
Looking Back, Envisioning the Future

Looking Back, Envisioning the Future By Nafisa Atiku-Adejuwon     Since Nigeria transitioned to democratic rule in 1999, we have slowly progressed through democracy. Those of us born in the ’90s grew up either under General Abacha’s regime or just as democracy was taking hold in the late ’90s. Many of us have only known […]

Hold Govt Responsible for Violence

‘Yemi emphasized that true democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, underscoring the importance of active citizen engagement beyond just elections. She highlighted EiE’s core mission of promoting the “Office of the Citizen”, empowering Nigerians to recognize and exercise their power as citizens in a democracy.

The Right to Peaceful Protest

‘Yemi emphasized that true democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, underscoring the importance of active citizen engagement beyond just elections. She highlighted EiE’s core mission of promoting the “Office of the Citizen”, empowering Nigerians to recognize and exercise their power as citizens in a democracy.