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2019 Impact Report​

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#OfficeOfTheCitizen Discussions for March 16th to March 20th

City/Station Date/Time Summary Akure  Breeze 91.9fm   Tuesday 10:00- 11:00am Nil. Abeokuta   Sweet 107.1FM   Tuesdays @11am EIE @ 10: #OnePerson Making a Difference Habeeb Whyte; Legal Practitioner, United Nations Award Winner, Political and Social Commentator. Ebonyi Unity 101.5FM   Tuesdays @ 1pm Nil Bayelsa   Glory 97.1FM   Tuesdays @ 8pm   Nil […]

#OfficeOfTheCitizen Discussions for March 9th to March 13th

City/Station Date/Time Summary Akure  Breeze 91.9fm   Tuesday 10:00- 11:00am Nil. Abeokuta   Sweet 107.1FM   Tuesdays @11am Monitoring Constituency Project: Getting Citizens Involved. Joshua Osiyemi; BudgIT. Ebonyi Unity 101.5FM   Tuesdays @ 1pm Nil Bayelsa   Glory 97.1FM   Tuesdays @ 8pm   Nil Zamfara    Pride 103.5FM   Wednesday @ 9am Nil Lagos […]

Protection from Internet Falsehood and Manipulation Bill

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#OfficeOfTheCitizen Discussions for March 2nd to March 6th

City/Station Date/Time Summary Akure  Breeze 91.9fm   Tuesday 10:00- 11:00am Nil Abeokuta   Sweet 107.1FM   Tuesdays @11am The state of Healthcare in Nigeria: CoronaVirus and Lassa Fever Okewusi Victor; Accident and Emergency Nurse, State Hospital Ijaye Ebonyi Unity 101.5FM   Tuesdays @ 1pm Nil Bayelsa   Glory 97.1FM   Tuesdays @ 8pm   Nil […]

Is Nigeria a nation that CAN work with her current formation?

Over 400 Ethnic groups who don’t all love and trust one another. There’s a lot of HISTORY in the mistrust. Religious people who don’t really know their foreign gods. So, they mix religion and their own culture. Foreign education without domestication. We had our own ways of passing on trade and business that ensured there […]

The Second Quadrannium of Gambrach: The Soldiers of Shiwajun

Thus it was, in the kingdom of Kogitaria, that electoralis minora came and went. King Jar-Jar Bellows was announced by the Necomongers as triumphant and he returned for a second quadrannium. The Nassholes had approved a Gambrachian bequeathment of 10 billion shekels to King Bellows on the eve of electoralise but King Gambrach’s eau de […]

Criminalizing The Poor To Extort Them

There is a sense in which we cannot successfully fight mega unless we make sense of petty corruption such as extortion. On Friday, I travelled from Yola, Adamawa State to Azare in Bauchi State. About five kilometres after Numan from Yola, there was a military checkpoint set up as part of the Operation Positive Identification, […]

Nigerians #SayNoToSocialMediaBill

This is very important. We already have enough laws covering falsehood in speech – slander, defamation, libel – and a Cybercrime Act that is heavy-handed as it is. Disingenuous to speak of developed countries; they, in addition to existing laws, hold platform owners accountable. The same govt that didn’t pass the Data Rights + Privacy […]

Border Closure, Import Substitution & Nigeria’s Denial of its Structural Challenge

The pronouncement by the government directing the CBN to stop providing foreign exchange for importation of food should require rigorous interrogation. What is unfortunate is the worn-out narrative that removing the importers from the “official” FX list will spur domestic production and also conserve foreign currency.  This is partly untrue.  We have also taken this […]